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Immediately Capture an Image with On Demand Photos

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Immediately Capture an Image with On-Demand Photos

Your Sensera Systems camera is not only capable of capturing images on a predetermined schedule (Or upon motion, as is the case with our SiteWatch Pro line of cameras), it is also able to capture images immediately at the press of a button using a feature called On-Demand Images. Let’s take a look!

Take Picture Now

From the View Page, you’ll see the Action Buttons on the left hand side of the page. We’ll want to select the Capture Button, and you’ll see an option to “Take Picture Now”. Select this option to command the camera to take an On-Demand image. 

You may see a message like the one below, indicating that SiteCloud is waiting to contact the camera. This can take up to 5 minutes.

Take Picture Heartbeat

To preserve camera battery life and reduce cellular data usage, the camera does not constantly remain connected to SiteCloud, instead it will check in once every 5 minutes until it receives a new command. Once a command is received, the camera begins looking for new commands more frequently, once every 5 seconds. After an hour of inactivity the camera will begin to check in every 5 minutes once again. 

Once the camera has received the “Take Picture” command it will capture an image and begin to upload the media to the “Captured Images” section in Sitecloud.

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